Focus and Scope

Jurnal Komisi (Komputer dan Sistem Informasi) First IndiePress Publisher was published in October 2023. Jurnal Komisi is intended as a medium of scientific studies on the results of research, thought and critical analysis studies on the issues of Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology both nationally and internationally. The scientific article in question is in the form of theoretical reviews and empirical studies of related sciences, which can be accounted for and disseminated nationally and internationally. Jurnal komisi received a scientific article with the field of research in:

  1. Information Systems
  2. Expert system
  3. Decision Support System
  4. Artificial Intelligence System
  5. Data Mining
  6. Image processing
  7. Genetic Algorithms
  8. Designing Information Systems
  9. Business Intelligence
  10. Internet of Thing
  11. Database System
  12. Big Data
  13. Internet of Thing
  14. ect